Tuesday, September 29, 2015

See-Saw Partner Reading

Our class is learning how to read information books to learn WOW facts.  Today they learned how to do partner reading.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rhyming Frog Jumps

Student Teacher

We are so lucky to have a student teacher working in our classroom for the next ten Thursday mornings.  Please be sure to welcome Jeannine Bissonette if you should see her on those mornings.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

First Hands On Nature

Today the class had their first hands on nature lesson.  Two parent volunteers run the program for the class and will come once a month to teach the kids about different topics. This month's
topic was the sun.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Social Detectives

The kids a beginning to learn about themselves as social detectives who are able to use their senses along with their brains to figure out how people are feeling.  Today the kids learned about all of the "smarts" that they have in their brains.  The "smart" that we are focusing on now is the social smart part of the brain.  Be sure to ask your child about our jello brain activity today.  It was yummy!  Ms. katie Tyler, our school counselor also came in today and began her lessons on how social detectives use their senses to explain how they feel.  We are all social detectives!